UNICEF Dirty Water Campaign

This looks like some pretty damn powerful advertising if ever I saw some.  Selling you dirty water.

A slick and prominent installation, that many people in affluent countries can relate to.

Thirsty? Fancy a drink? Most of us are never too far away from a vending machine (whether it actually works if you’re in, say, London is another matter, but you get my point) or a newsagent, and most of us again will think nothing of often handing over in excess of £1.50 for a bottle of water.  Yes it’s expensive, but it’s convenient, and in plentiful supply.  You might even say we’ve got it on tap, but that’s a poor pun, so I won’t.

The installation in Manhattan exposes this, with an emphasis on an emotional and physical response.  We can all relate to it, and immediately the message is clear.  At least subconsciously we are all aware that these sorts of issues exist in third world countries, but now it is presented as something humbling, and much closer to home.  Something you can actually begin to help with.

Everyday over 4,000 children die of water related diseases.  This is drummed in by the eight ‘flavours’ on offer from the vend – malaria, cholera, typhoid, dengue, hepatitis, dysentery, salmonella, and yellow fever.  Those lethal flavours are not so appealing anymore are they?

Each dollar spent in this machine goes to a UNICEF campaign providing clean water to those who need it.  By purchasing just one bottle you provide 40 days of water for a child that would otherwise be risking one of the very real diseases shown.

The video below shows it much better, I think the public reaction says it all.

On a lighter note there are some lovely vector graphics on the machines and the campaign website.

Visit the Tap Project for more info and to donate.  You wouldn’t drink dirty water. No one should.  So check them out on Twitter as well @unicefusa and spread the word.

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